Are Vampires Real?
It has come to my attention, call me naive, that people who believe they are vampires do exist today.
This is what I've found out so far:
- Vampires believe that they are reincarnated not "made" by a bite.
- Vampirism is a spiritual and religious, if you will, journey for vampires.
- They believe in their God, Anton (it is said He is known to the world by names we have given him - Yahweh, Jehovah, Kali, Jesus, Allah, Sri Ganesha, Nxambi, Nyame, ALA, etc.)z - They do drink human blood (how, I don't know yet).
- Some feel they cannot survive without human blood.
- Others feel they can and drink some sort of synthetic concoction (how'd you know, True Blood?).
- Some experienced an awakening similiar to a "born again" Christian.
- Most belong to covens.
- Sun does not bother them, neither do crosses or garlic.
- They will die and age and be reincarnated.
We'll explore this phenomenon further.......
Live Well,